Sunday, 30 November 2014


My latest video takes a look at two TV21 artists. One modern, one legendary. Both brilliant!

Paul McCaffrey was first introduced to Moonbase Central readers a few months back, when we initially discussed his planned illustration for the first Project SWORD story in just under 40 years. Paul's fabulous drawing was published as part of the new TV21 in October.

Ron Turner needs no introduction and will be well-known to readers as TV21's master illustrator of futuristic vehicles. Enthusiast John Lawrence has lovingly re-printed Ron's Space Ace strips from the late Fifties in a series of books. Pictured below, volume 3 is a gorgeous book and available now. Interested readers should contact John at

Which are your favourite Ron Turner strips readers?

Video notes: 
please excuse the bright reflection on some of the material I'm looking at. Its my desk lamp! 
I'm also unfamiliar with videoing comics and annuals so I hope the side view works OK.
Please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. John Lawrence12/01/2014 9:19 am

    Thanks for helping to promote my Space Ace mags, Paul. I guess a lot of Ron's fans latched onto his work with the Daleks in TV21 and the later strips in the various Anderson annuals you've shown, so I hope they'll now discover some of the fabulous work he was producing a decade or so earlier, with the detail and imagination he put into these self-penned and largely forgotten strips. Some might ask why I'm spending money and taking the the time and trouble to produce these collections when I'm not making a bean out of it. I knew Ron personally. He was a great guy, very modest and unassuming and I'd like to think he would be pleased that his work is still being appreciated by a successive generation of fans and followers. You rate him as second only to Frank Bellamy. High praise indeed. Personally I'd rate him even higher - but then I would. Either way, his work is too good to be forgotten, so I hope with these collections I can keep the memory and unique talents of Ron Turner alive for a many years to come. Cheers.
