Sunday, 2 November 2014

ACCENTUATE! Andy B takes on a Dalek

Following my Return to Skaro post about the 'lego' daleks, Andy B took an off the shelf one and converted it.

"I don't like the new Dr Who, or gold daleks much, so I decided to do a little redating. The result isn't 100% accurate, but I can live with that. On the eyestalk, I thinned down the stem a bit where it meets the head (or should that be lid?). I figured if it was too thin it would snap, so its a compromise. I also trimmed the eye part down so it was smaller, but left the ribbed bit at the centre as it was -couldn't face recarving this. On the head/lid I cut down the socket so it is more like the eye mounting on the earlier daleks. The lights on the dome were cut down, they are now a little large for the earlier version, but once again, it's a compromise. The main arm was too thick. I cut out the part behind the sucker and shaved down the main part of the arm so it was a little thinner. Then I inserted a piece of wire to form the thinner part. It's actually a part of a large safety pin rammed into the sucker and the remaining part of the arm. The proportions aren't 100% correct, but I think overall it looks more to scale. I also cut down the rear of the gun slightly, as I think it projects out too much. Apart from filling the slots and holes with Milliput putty, that's it. The whole thing was painted mid grey, then brushed with graphite (ground pencil lead) to give it a metallic look and pick out the details.

It now sits on my workroom shelf, together with some Spacemen (thanks Bill) and various small spaceships and other ephemera (including a Golly badge to be seen in the background!) All the best, Andy. "

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