Sunday, 26 October 2014


A smorgasbord of SWORD! The Woodsy Moonbase Collection:

Table 1
Notes by Woodsy:

Above: Woodsy Collection: Century 21 Project SWORD: complete fleet of 20 toys [ the mythical Moon Base Set would have made it 21 in 1967/68, a rather neat number for a C21 fleet! ]

NB. the orange Space Glider, top picture - centre - is a colour varitation of the grey Space Glider and not counted as part of the 20, as none of the other known C21 colour variants aren't either.

Table 2
Notes by Woodsy:

Above: Woodsy Collection: Project SWORD Copies and Knockoffs - incomplete collection: a mixture of T in a Circle [Tai Hing], Tarheel, Hover, Hoover, NASA, CHIBI/BICHI and De-Tarheeled Moon Ranger.


  1. Getting all my SWORD toy fleet out in one place like this was a lot of fun. Its a strange feeling having completed the fleet [ bar the Nuke Ferry, that's on loan ] and an odd mix of joy, sadness and liberation. When a dealer I know, on Sunday, asked me what I collect, I said 'nothing. I'm done'. I wonder how other readers have dealt with finishing a collection? What did you do next?

  2. I must admit items I'm after for my collection are fast becoming few and far between as thankfully I've managed over the years to get hold of most of what I wanted.
    I know it's the old story but looking at some of the crazy prices asked for by some of the dealers at Doncaster it will make it very difficult to some collectors like myself to finish their collections. Plus unsurprisingly most of the hard core dealers appear to be leaning towards specialist on line auction sites which tend to target the more affluent buyers.

    For me most of the collectables I'm after came out in the sixties when kids played with toys until they broke or ended up at the church jumble sale for a shilling. I can understand that finding a boxed JR 21 Thunderbird 4 these days might have some value, but I do find it crazy that the same price and more can be asked for a modern Product Enterprise Eagle.

  3. Looking at that lot reminds me of old Christmas Giles cartoons where the kids would be looking in the window of the local department store and the little blurb-signs would say things like...

    'Merry Festive Killer Death Ray Rockets'
