Thursday, 16 October 2014

All Washed Up

A common sight in the sixties were the little army trucks and tanks, falling out of Lucky Bags and the better crackers, or arriving on a card from a rack toy stand. Often, they would reuse the same accessories, machine gun, AAGun, searchlight, radar. The designs of these were often lifted from the Lone Star Modern Army series and were very simple and distinctive.

An unusual variation on the toy was a series of petrol boats, with a crew and accessory on the back. I managed to acquire a set of six for a few pounds, recently, a real blast from the past. Most of the accessories were lost, but the radar was intact and I found a slightly oversized searchlight from a tank version. But the little 2 inch boats are a wonderful reminder of toys long gone.


  1. Lovely little snaps Bill. Where did you take them?

  2. On a home made beach of gravel and tinfoil!
