Monday, 1 September 2014


Further to my last post and the use of Japanese, I wondered if any reader could solve a mystery. Above are the only two images I have of what I call the Nichimo Pioneer Ranger NASA B-5 [note the black and silver buckets - is one painted?]. It appears to be a 1965 variant of the 1963 Nichimo Pioneer and is clearly the direct predecessor of the SWORD Moon Ranger. No image of the box is available.

So readers, I'd love to find out more but I cannot find any more information about this as I cannot read the Japanese characters above. You can see on the top image is a line of text across the image. The bottom picture is from Character Age magazine. Ideally what I need is any of this text copying in Japanese characters using a Japanese keypad. In this way I will be able to search online using the Japanese characters.

If anyone is able to translate the text that would be great too!

Do you accept the mission?

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