Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Lunar Orbiter - Crash Landing

Spacex toys are for me a story of tragedy and triumph, much like the actual history of the Nasa Lunar Orbiter. I came upon my toy about 8 years ago, on ebay. The seller was from Tri-ang's home town of Merton and had listed it as a carded, complete and slightly battered toy. At the same time, he listed a Nasa Glider, but as I had one of these already, I concentrated on the Orbiter. During the week of the auction, I pestered the seller with questions, which he dutifully answered. He had apparently found both items at a local car boot and no, he didn't have any more. He wasn't apparently aware of what they were and listed them as described on the card, without the usual appellations of "WOW" "Rare" "Please Look!" or "Loft Find" etc, which always manage to set my teeth on edge and make me resist looking.

After the usual nail biting finale, the glider whizzed off into the ether for silly money and I fought my way through to buy the Orbiter for - at the time - a stiff £45. I was happy, I'd won another rarity, complete with accessories on the card and including the badge. I hopped around the room, singing as I hit the paypal button. Some time later, I got the dispatch note and waited patiently, the few days, for the post to arrive.

It came at the weekend and I sat poised, waiting for postman Pat to bring me a nice little box full of bubblewrap with the holy of holies resting inside. Instead, the letterbox clanged shut with a deathly knell and a battered jiffy bag flopped onto the mat like a dead fish.

Not only was the bag battered, it was torn and actually open. My heart sank as I noticed the postcode and tore open the envelope. Inside, without any interior wrapping was my Orbiter. Having worked in a postal sorting office, I know the rigours of the sorting system and it was clear that my parcel had been forcibly subjected to the intense scrutiny of every single, rough handed step of the process, including apparently being used as a cushion for the slightly overweight van driver who had delivered it personally to my door.

It wasn't pleasant. The already fatigued blister had given way and cracked open, allowing one of the two precious aerials to escape into the envelope, which had then been liberated somewhere between here and the south of England onto the floor of some royal mail property. The whole vehicle was crushed, the circular ring around the fuel tanks had broken and the central mount was pressed down onto the main body. It was clear now that the seller was obviously not a discerning ebayer who took pride in his transactions, but a random scally who had just made the price of a couple of pairs of new Airmax from some overenthusiastic northern monkey.

I was livid. Logging on to ebay, I messaged a carefully worded complaint about his lack of care in packing. No response. Wiping away tears of heartbreak and anguish, I considered some inflammatory negative feedback for the deal, but the possibility of more Spacex appearing from the same seller stayed my hand. Nothing else ever appeared and mercifully, nobody else has been so mindless in packaging since.


The Triang SpaceX Lunar Orbiter is a beautiful carded toy straight from NASA's hangar. I don't own one but I love the colour scheme in this photograph: the blue antenna, the red badge and the orange silver combination of the toy. Interestingly the silver backing card, familiar to us as SpaceX II, is marked S1.

I don't have a photo of a loose SpaceX Orbiter so I've included a small plastic model made for LOIRP. Your Orbiter pictures welcomed.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Lunar Transporter - Paint it Black

LT10 was an odd one for me. I received mine in a roundabout fashion from my good friend and schoolmate. He bought it around 1973 when we found a discount store in Liverpool selling dead stock. I can date this accurately as I first came across them while visiting my mum in hospital. I also got the Corgi Starfighter Jet Car the same day and from a shop across the road, which oddly enough is still trading. At the time there was only one LT10 and my mate bought it. I coveted it for years and it was some time after, that he lost interest and I wangled it off him.

On the card, it seems to show the vehicle carrying a rocket, but the actual thing is a lift from the vehicle in the Green Slime.

At the time, I was unaware of the connection and most unimpressed with the gaudy orange finish, so out came the Humbrol Gloss Black and to my eternal future shame and damnation... 'nuff said.


The Spacex II Lunar Transporter or LT-10 is one of my favourite SpaceX toys. It was made by Pippin Rovex Tri-ang. Although I've never owned one I can appreciate its sleek lines and classic lip-stick design, which reminds me of the Nova Rocket on its side. This picture is one I've photoshopped together using a carded example I saw several years ago on an online auction, together with a nice loose one from the Ferryman collection.

As far as I know the toy was inspired by a similar spacecraft featured in the 1960's Japanese movie The Green Slime. The vehicle also inspired model company Midori to release it in kit form. I have yet to see a photo of both the SpaceX toy and the Midori kit together, but suspect that the model is much bigger.

There may also be a US boxed version of the SpaceX toy as part of the Golden Astronaut Deluxe Die-Cast Metal Chassis range, but I've never seen one.

I would be pleased to receive pictures and anecdotes of your Lunar Transporter for the blog.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Small Space - Redux

Having a lot of fun lately with an old manual lens and a handful of glass filters, attached to my digital camera. The latest subject of my photographic scrutiny is the Airfix Lunar Module base, sporting some small space toys.



Yes, just what is wrong with the Star Bird? I ask this question as this space toy has virtually never been mentioned on this blog, which seems odd now I think about it. Does it represent a nadir in space toys? A break from the classics of the Sixties and early Seventies? A herald of the commercially-controlled video games pandemic?

Hard to say. Made by Milton Bradley in the late Seventies, it looks like it has everything. Its a big toy with detachable parts and sound effects. What's not to like? A quick google and I can see it's a very popular toy covered on many other blogs and websites. Just not here! There are colour variations, different names, companion toys like the Intruder and Big Trak and custom jobs. In fact one site declares it to be the best space toy ever! Perhaps for some kids it was and is their Zero-X!

Despite finding several Star Birds at Car Boots in the Nineties, in their distinctively huge flat boxes, a possible clue as to its invisibility here at MC is the fact that I never had one as a kid. By the late Seventies I was already in my late teens. Perhaps this is the crux of it. Moonbase readers may just have been too 'old' for the Star Bird for it to mean anything to them.

What do you think readers? Are we simply not the Star Bird generation?


SWORD Doppelgangers

Top to Bottom:

Echo Toys Legends of Space Dyna Soar,
Triang SpaceX Nuclear Ferry [front ship],
Aoshima die-cast Zero X.

Sources: Planet Die Cast Forum, Echo Toys, Woodsy

Saturday, 27 September 2014


Brontosaurus in New York.
He's having a great time!

A Moonbase Central Short.


I picked up these little plastic cars in an antiques centre in Rotherham today. Very cheap and colourful, I find then very endearing. The corvette is my favourite recalling the curves of Red Line Hot Wheels. The purple Dune Buggy is by Lone Star. The little flower appears on many toy cars. Does anyone know its significance?


Hi Woodsy, I send you two pictures from my Radar Car. It was a merchandise from the early 70`s and I get it in the Space Center in Florida. Enjoy your week,
Best Regards from Germany / Berlin

Friday, 26 September 2014


Jr. Fire Chief of days gone by

Discarded rusty Fire House Pedal Car
Old Car City, Georgia
[Steve Grundy]

I'm sure I had one of these as a kid!


Abandoned house with mystery action man
Tomioka, Japan

[Daily Mail]


Derelict McCormick Deering Tractor
Mojave Desert
[FarmCollector. Com]

What would an abandoned SpaceX Tractor T5 look like readers? Pictures welcomed!


Buran Shuttle
[Moscow News]


Abandoned play rocket
Warragamba, Australia
[Sydney Mirror]


One of my favourite toys ever to appear on the blog is the Mortoys Six In One Space Set in the Wotan collection. The concept is basically to allow kids to place different vehicle bodies on a battery-operated wheel block. Three of the six vehicles are larger-scale SpaceX toys.

So I was pleasantly surprised when these similar Six in One toys appeared on the bay recently. using the same principle, this set comprises of construction vehicles. This one is called Child Guidance Six in One Toymobile. It does beg the question whether Mortoys filched the idea from them [and then filched the vehicle designs from SpaceX and Thunderbirds!]

Anyone got any toys like these?

Thursday, 25 September 2014


Seen these mysterious Glico spacecraft on Yahoo Japan. Anyone have any idea where the design hails from?


Many pretenders court the throne but there is only one true King of SpaceX -SWORDdom: the majestic Nuclear Ferry. I can't decide which is rarer, the SpaceX version or its larger Century 21 cousin. What is certain is that both are beautiful toys and quite unique in terms of shape and design. 

Featuring a red and silver pen-like fuselage, a sleek blue front dropship and a burgundy probe, the Pippin Rovex Triang Nuclear Ferry is quite superb and amazingly I actually have the loose one pictured above [alas, minus the probe]. The silver carded S2 toy is equally handsome and this example is in the Wotan collection.

As always, pictures of your SpaceX 2 toys always welcomed for the blog.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Even more eateries and foodstuffs for the SWORDhead and Anderfreund. Your pictures are welcomed too!

Leave your Bug parked outside!

Just need a SATURN to go with it!

And one for early Anderson TV!

I'll have an XL5 please!


Hi Woodsy,

Just come across your MOONBASE CENTRAL blog for May 22nd, featuring Ron Turner's Rick Random/Space Ace strips.

During the 80s, I worked with Ron on his Nick Hazard strips and various other projects and since his death, have endeavoured to keep his work in print.

I'm currently publishing reprinted collections of Space Ace, now lovingly restored and colourised by UK artist, John Ridgway.

This is a non-profit making venture and like your Project Sword book, self-published and not available in shops. Two volumes out so far, with a third hopefully, next month.

If you think they might be of interest to Anderson fans, you might like to run the pages I've sent on your blog.

If anyone is interested in a copy, I'll send full details.




Starlog 1984
Apollo Saturn and friend
Re-touched by Woodsy

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


A bit of fun on a dark autumn night! I've been trying to think of foodstuffs and eateries that go well with Gerry Anderson TV shows and toys.

First up, Breakaway- Space 1999!

And for SWORD foodies - the Ranger bar!

and FORCE! ha ha

and for that Bump'n'Go Special, try Prospectors!

Your foods and eateries welcomed!