Thursday, 28 August 2014


Although there's a while to go before, hopefully a whole new generation of Thunderbird fans will come into being when we get to see the brand new rebooted Thunderbirds are Go TV series.

Slowly but surely, little snippets of info are being leaked onto the web to wet our appetite and provoke many a debate from fans, myself and blog friend, Will Schwartz included.

Personally, my interest will be in what merchandise we'll be treated to, die cast toys, plastic models, I can't wait.

We've now seen plenty of images of the new Thunderbird 1, including this rather tidy looking large model. That would look very nice in my display cabinet.

We've also seen these 3D renderings of the craft ,which are all over the web, so they may as well be here as well.

This is what I think of what I've seen - what do you lot think?

Thunderbird 1 is too much like the original for me and there's been changes for changes sake. I'm not sure I like those stubby wings, but I can see me getting used to them.

The rendering of the new  Thunderbird 2 looks like the wings fold up, and what is that circular thing behind the intake? I'll be honest  this design is really growing on me. There's enough of the original design to make it recognisable, but now it's taken on a more muscular look.

I must admit I'm having trouble with Thunderbird 3. The rocket motors look like they've been inspired by Lego. I'm hoping it'll look better on the show.

Thunderbird 4 doesn't look a lot different to the original, but unlike the changes in Thunderbird 1, I reckon this looks a lot sleeker and more realistic.

As to Thunderbird 5, the 3D rendering I've seen looks totally different to the original one we're used to.
To see it along with the other click on the link which shows the 3D renderings.


  1. Generally, im loving them. But then, I favoured the 2004 versions too. TB2 is nice, but between that and 3, they have a look of diy cardboard models about them, were tye smooth shapes have had to be substituted for hard angles. TB5 is nice, a real space station shape again. I cant wait for the toys!

  2. Oh, looks like Vivid Imaginations have the toy contract again. That means deformed toys with fisher price buttons for crap sound effects. Damn

  3. You'll still buy 'em, Bill! ; - )

  4. I have strong reservations about remaking old series- I wish someone would think up something new, rather than tinkering with a past success. But I suppose it guarantees a following- rather like the case of Dr Who.
    For me, the old designs were perfectly good!

    1. I totally agree, Andy , but you hit the nail on the head. All the works been done in selling the series

  5. I'm quite excited about the new designs. I especially like the new TB4. I just hope the series gets shown here in the US.

    1. I don't think you need worry Will. You'll get to see it one way or another!

    2. I certainly hope so my friend.

  6. I think they're good updates of the originals. TB3 is a bit lego-ish but OK. TB5 is weird but I can get used to it.

    Like you Bill, I'm rather worried about Vivid Imaginations getting the toy license. I hoped Character Options or Bandai would have got it. I wasn't impressed with Vivid's previous Thunderbirds toys. Still it's 2014 now so let's hope they've improved. No images of what the new toys look like yet. Expectations are high. :)

  7. Like you amd Bill, Yorkie I've got my reservation's about Vivid but I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm sure one or two of the Japanese toy companies will get involved though, like they did with the Frakes Thunderbird film so you never know.

  8. I'm not too impressed with TB1's stubby wings either. They're hardly an improvement.

  9. The 6 inch and larger Bandai toys from the Frakes Thunderbirds film are pretty good. I hope Vivid can at least match them.

  10. To my mind, Kid, the stubby wings spoil a fairly good update I don't why they couldn't have left them the same as the original It would still look that little bit different.

    I don't have any of those larger Bandai toys, Yorkie. I've occasionally seen them on fleabay but bever been tempted. Maybe I should.

  11. I can almost guarantee Bandai has the license on any Thunderbirds related toys and models in Japan. We shouldn't rule out Konami or Aoshima either. As far Vivid Imaginations is concerned, they know adult collectors will be as interested in the toys as the younger fans. I'm hopeful they will keep that in mind when developing their mechandise.

  12. This is just hot off the press-

  13. Nice one, FAB 1, thanks for the heads up. Looks like the Aussies are set to see it, and a fair list of proposed merchandise from Vivid to accompany it - roll on 2015!
