Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Nuclear Pulse in Action

The Spacex Nuclear Pulse is a fabulously unique design and besides its unusual look, it has two action features to extend playability and interest. In the central bay is a small ejectable space plane, spring mounted and almost guaranteed to speed off into the depths of space (or far corner of the living room) at the slightest touch.

Fortunately, the Pulse comes equipped with a second feature, twin satellite launchers! In the sixties, flying saucer guns were frequently found with wind up launching saucers and Triang have taken this concept, made it smaller and added a pair of neat launchers to the model. With a few turns and the flick of a hidden lever, the satellites launch into the air, spinning furiously. Until recently, the whole effect happened so fast it was hard to enjoy, but while on location at Moonbase, I managed to grab two sequences at 30 frames per second of a launch. Here they are, as animated gifs!

A few brisk turns and the saucer satellite is ready to fly, twirling a good foot into the air. As with any vintage toy, caution is always advised, but as usual the Pulse performed beautifully!


  1. That is very neat! I could never understand why a space station would have a pilot in a cockpit.

    1. Technically, it isnt a space station, its a deep space exploration vehicle. It just heads up the Space Station section of Stage One. The actual space station would appear in Stage Two

  2. I had the 'Space Station' set as a kid, there was no mention of a pending station, I demand a recount!

  3. I know what you mean! It doesnt say 'Earth Base' on the Mobile Launch Pad box ( but it does on the comic ad ) so I dont know why they labelled the pulse. I demand a Space Station!

  4. Great .gif's Bill! It's fun watching the slow-motion action. I have a loose one and a boxed one and they're nifty little suckers!

  5. Theories Prototype design, SIZE SMALL capt. 1st
