Thursday, 5 June 2014


I picked up this Rocket Firing Tank a while back, when Woodsy, Bill and I visited the excellent Doncaster Toy Fair.

It's workings are in need of a little TLC and it's missing a couple of rockets and its radar dish, but considering I got it for the princely sum of £1.50 I'm hardly likely to complain, although if anybody out there has got a spare radar I'd be very gratful.

 It is, of course of interest to Gerry Anderson fans as this , like Woodsy's previous post on the quite obscure SKY-8 toy is another knock-off  item exploiting the success of UFO.

These days ridiculous prices are asked for even incomplete examples of the 'UFO Missile Tank'  and considering the box  art is the only thing of interest its certainly not high on my wants list.

Don't get me wrong, the toy has its charm, and its battery operated mystery action is, to say the least, intriguing, judging by a video I saw of it on YouTube.

I do like the turret, which for some reason reminds me of something Ron Turner might come up with.

You'll note that I haven't taken any photos of the missiles set in their firing positions. Annoyingly,on both sides the spring loaded action is a bit sensitive and the missiles don't stay in long enough for me to take a snap.

I still think its a nice little 'seaside' toy, though.


  1. Still not found the radar scoop

  2. There's also a red/white variation of the same with a corresponding box variation, however the black/yellow missiles are alike.
