Saturday, 7 June 2014


My Parent's Lancashire home was of it's time in the Sixties, full of the decade's fashions and fads. I didn't know it at the time. I just thought its what all houses were like for every kid across the universe. I realise now that every home is of it's own time and represents a temporary cultural Polaroid like my own does now.

Besides toys, one of the bits of Sixties culture I especially loved as a kid were all the pictures hanging round our house. There were tons of 'em. Because I was always drawing hammers and hand tools everywhere, including wallpaper, a personal favourite was and is the artist Soulet and his little boy with a hammer painting [below] takes me immediately back to our staircase wall, where it was hanging along with other Soulets I have like these below. Did you have Soulet pictures in your home or maybe others?


  1. The interiors of 1960s homes are something I have thought about a lot, particularly when there is a drama on telly portraying the 1960s. It seems to me that very few people cleared thier homes entirely of older pictures, furniture etc. to be fashionable, and that homes tended to have a mixture of new and old stuff.
    As a consequence, I grew up with furniture from the 1930s, 1940s and 1960s, and the pictures were of similar vintage!

  2. Utterly hideous, but so reminiscent of the seventies lounge. Give me the strapping amazon lounging on the jungle branch, any day!

  3. Hideous? That's harsh indeed for such charming paintings. I do remember that Amazonian. Is that by Tretchkicoff? Do you recall the ducks at dusk paintings by Vernon Ward? Another favourite of my tender years.

  4. I agree Andy, homes are sponges of style. I think the predominant style is the one the home began in maybe. Its wierd, I know more about the stuff in our Sixties home than I do about style nowadays!

  5. I have the big eyed long neck girl for sale if anyone collects.
