Wednesday, 21 May 2014


This month I had the pleasure of seeing the new Marvel Captain America film, the Winter Soldier. I really enjoyed the flick and one of the many craft in it blew me away, the mighty SHIELD Helicarrier pictured above.

The Helicarrier was first created by the great Jack Kirby in 1965 when it appeared in Strange Tales 135 pictured below:

When I saw the Helicarrier on the big Screen I couldn't help thinking it resembled our Spacex friend the Nuclear Pulse, which was created by the equally great Eric Eden in 1966 for the TV 21 Summer Special.

It graced the shelves of toy stores in 1970 as part of the Spacex range in the UK and Golden Astronaut in the USA. Who's had or got one?


  1. I've got a couple of loose and one SpaceX boxed - nice little gems!

  2. One of my favourite toys, apart from the nauseous colour scheme! On card backs its beautiful red and blue and box lid is green and orange. How dissapointed was I as a 7 year old finding the toy was sickly yellowy orange!

    1. Toy companies sold to mother's not the kids as it was mother's who bought the toys back in the day. Joshua Lionel Cowan (Lionel trains) realized this early on changed his marketing strategy making his 3-rail O-gauge trains in bright colors. It must have worked, Lionel is still in business!

  3. Wasn't the US Golden Astronaut Nuclear Pulse coloured blue?

  4. Nope - sickly orange. The prototype used in catalogue shots and card backs may have been blue, but even GA ones were orange. I painted mine! Ill blog it shortly...

  5. Shield Helicarrier reminds me of a big yellow spacecraft that loomed over Alpha in Space 1999. No idea what it was tho!

  6. Gunship 'Satazius', episode was 'The Last Enemy'?
