Thursday, 22 May 2014


As a bit of a post script to Woodsy’s post on the SHIELD Helicarrier, this is a flying aircraft carrier which pre-dates the Marvel one.

It’s used in one of Rick Random’s adventures called The Frozen World, and is dated 1958.

Being a big fan of the Rick Random series, and artist, Ron Turner, who drew most of the Random strips, including this one, I thought his flying carrier was worth a mention.

The carrier is actually referred to as a high speed mobile H.Q. and visiting aircraft board it by means of large padded ‘paws’ which attach and  pull them aboard into a large hatch beneath the craft.

The Rick Random series of story strips featured in Super Detective Library starting in 1954 with ‘Crime Rides The Spaceways’  and continued until’ Rick Random and the Kidnapped Planet’, published in 1959.


  1. It's nice, although I prefer Turner's more worked "Space Ace" strips. Did Turner do the covers of Rick Random? Looks like another artist.

  2. I know what you mean about the Space Ace strips. I've got quite a few of those in the Lone Star comic but they're a lot shorter stories than the Rick Random ones when there's a little more character development as well as Ron's way out imaginative machinery.

    My personal opinion on the covers is I suspect Ron did do some. I'm not sure what you think
    , Andy, but I think he hadn't quite settled on his style in the fifties when you compare his earlier work on Titbits as opposed to his covers on the Scion books and the super Ace Brave pop up

  3. I've never heard of Rick Random before but do enjoy the sampling of artwork you provided Scoop. The look of the futuristic city is really nice.

  4. To keep Andy happy, I've got some Space Ace art coming up next, Ed.
