Monday, 26 May 2014


Its a Bank Holiday here in the UK. Its sunny too so lots of chance to get out and about. Alas, for me its bed and a hot cuppa as I'm full of a rotten summer cold. So what are you doing in your part of the world this Monday?

POSTSCRIPT: Mount Charleston and the Spring Mountains from the the Las Vegas Strip. Ed's backyard!


  1. Just got back from north wales where it rained almost continually for three days!

  2. Today was Memorial Day here Stateside. We went up to Mt Charleston to beat the heat. It was 105deg here in the Valley and only 78deg up on the mountain.

  3. P.S. - Get better soon Woodsy. Summer colds suck!

  4. Cheers Ed. Think the worst is over so I can do human stuff again. I love the idea of going up a mountain on a super hot day. I had a look online at Mount Charleston and was so impressed with the contrast of the Las Vegas Strip and the mountains I had to post a piccy. Hope you don't mind!

  5. We're fortunate to have a cool getaway spot. There are two very nice areas to go to, the Kyle Canyon area or the ski lodge. The Kyle Canyon area has the restaurant so we tend to head in that direction.

  6. Thanks for the photies Ed. I'd love to go to that restaurant and have fish and chips. ha ha. Were's the nearest fishing port?

    1. Los Angeles LOL Actually there's fishing at Lake Mead but the water levels have dropped so drastically the past decade that fishing apparently isn't as good anymore - and then of course there's the odd dead person that pops up from the deeps from time to time. :-)
