Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Continuing my look at this year’s Flight of Fantasy event, here’s some of the many items on display that I’d not seen at Andercon.

First up a David Sisson replica of the Explosives Truck from the Joe 90 episode, ‘Colonel McClaine’.

Originally designed by Mike Trim, it’s considered to be the inspiration for the SHADO Mobiles.

This original SHADO Interceptor is one of several original props brought to the show by mega Anderson collector Phil Rae (whom, I now remember briefly chatting to at the event, but unfortunately failed to recognise, so my apologies Phil)

 It’s been a while since I’ve seen this smashing piece of Anderson history so thanks to Phil for taking the trouble to bring it.

Next up this excellent model of Supercar complete with pilot, Mike Mercury sporting a natty pair of shades.

Guest talker, Martin Bower was seen at some point in the proceedings posing with the model for fan photos.

In fact, the opening guest talks were Martin being joined by special effects wizard, Brian Johnson.

The pair reminisced about Martin providing models for Space 1999, some of which he’d built several years previously after seeing the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

 They also talked about the film ‘Alien’ and the way director, Ridley Scott, striving for perfection would think nothing of altering meticulously made miniatures’ by breaking chunks off to get his desired effect.  

1 comment:

  1. The model work is always a treat for me ! Many Thanx Scoop!
