Friday, 25 April 2014


Taking a break from the Andercon guest talks I thought I'd check out what merchandise was on sale.

Apart from one stall selling some vintage Anderson  memorabilia, most of the others were selling more modern items.
       One was selling Robert Harrop figurines. Although I acknowledge many find these detailed castings highly collectable,  personally, I've never felt the urge to pick any up.

However, sat on its own on  a back shelf was this rather splendid model of my favourite spaceship - Zero X.

Now that would have definitely kick started my Robert Harrop collection but sadly it was not to be.

I was told it was simply a prototype, not for sale and that a limited run may be released at the end of next month.

Well, if and when it appears its definitely going in my shopping basket.


1 comment:

  1. There's only one natural home for that bad boy Scoop, Glenn Field Southport! It's a beauty. I'd be scared to even go near it in case I dropped it! Still, it bcan't be any more fragile than the C21 OX, which has nearly slipped from my hands a few times! Andercon keeps gettin better and better. We were all the there vicariously through your roving reports! Thanks for sharing.
