Thursday 6 March 2014


Despite Google Chrome allowing me to solve one set of huge blogging problems this year, it has brought with it a whole set of new ones.

The latest irksome development is the sudden appearance of random and unnecessary hyperlinks in both my posts and any comments that are left. These links are for the most random of words like Christmas, but or and. The links appear as small circular arrows and are incredibly annoying.

Despite never agreeing to any monetisation of the blog or indeed any adverts, I now appear to be plagued by this unwelcome rash of ridiculous links from a cynical operating system. I only hope it doesn't detract from the readers' blog experience too much until I can figure out how to get rid of these uninvited pests, which will no doubt ruin this very post!


  1. (sorry for late reaction, didn't see this post until now)

    That sounds like some piece of malware your browser's contracted, Woodsy.
    Plus side: the blog isn't affected. Minus side is you'll have to weed it out. It sounds like something like this

    good luck -- Paul

  2. Thanks for that Paul. I'll try it. So am I right in thinking that you can't see the small circular text enhancement things?

  3. Sorry, yes, that's what I meant Paul. I don't see any weird links anywhere on the blog, and neither should anybody else. Chrome on the PC of my youngest was infected with that malware as well, amongst other similar things that crept in with all the free games he keeps downloading.
    And I suspect there's a variant that does infect websites, for once in a while I stumble on a site where it's present, despite being on a Mac with no Chrome installed.
    Anyway, hope you manage to erradicate it shortly.

    Best -- Paul
