Monday, 17 March 2014


I don’t know how many of you in Britain are collecting the Eaglemoss Doctor Who Figurine Collection.  Initially, I wasn't really interested in what was on offer at the beginning as it seemed to be, understandably quite biased towards the new series.

However, as part 6 featured a new series Dalek, and I do like Daleks,I thought I’d invest in a copy.

The model from the ninth Doctor story, ‘Dalek’, is, to anyone who hasn't partaken, quite heavy as it’s made from a metallic resin. The detail is quite reasonable, although the pickier collector might find the paintwork less than perfect.

The Supreme Dalek from tenth Doctor story, ‘The Stolen Earth’ turned up in part 13 so more investment.

Another nice rendition slightly let down in my opinion by the paintwork again. I suppose being used to seeing the detail on Konami models makes me think, possibly in error, that that’s the standard. 

This is one of seven special edition Daleks given to subscribers who are prepared to pay a premium subscription – the Supreme Dalek from the first Doctor story,’ The Dalek Masterplan’.

A nice little collectable but, again I’d suspect the paintwork is a bit amateurish for the seasoned collector.

I must admit I was quite taken by the exclusive subscriber gift which I found on fleabay - The Dalek Emperor from ninth Doctor story, ‘ The Parting of the Ways’.

It's pretty much a huge detailed pot ornament with a little deranged emperor floating in his little glass tube.

Apart from the special editions I believe one or two other Dalek models will feature in future editions which I’ll no doubt pick up,  and I might be tempted to the odd figure from the classic series but I reckon that’s about as far as I’ll go.


  1. I'm not collecting the Eaglemoss Daleks, but I did pick-up a couple of nice gold Daleks over Christmas which I will Blog...soon...'ish!

  2. You can never have too many Daleks, Will and Hugh !
