Sunday 9 February 2014


The second Project SWORD discovery I made this weekend is even more exciting than the Otaki Monster Race Car release date.

About two years ago reader Ed Tarboosh kindly sent me pictures of a Japanese candy box depicting a Booster Rocket posted here.

This weekend I found another advertisement for the same candy box and this time I noticed something new, which I'd missed two years ago!

If you look at the small yellow box featuring a Booster Rocket you will see a black outline on the left of the box side. Here it is close-up. It is a Project SWORD badge shape!

Wow, I thought! SWORD candy! I would love to know what the Japanese writing means on and around the box. I have tried translating Project SWORD and Booster Rocket into Japanese characters on Google Translate but the results where nothing like the two large blue characters on the box front and side. Surely the text is about Project SWORD if they have gone to the trouble of including a Booster Rocket and a SWORD logo. I don't even know the candy brand's name. Anyone?

As to what's going on, I have a couple of theories. Assuming the top oblong box contained a toy and the bottom squarish box contained sweets, then perhaps the top box had a SWORD toy in it. We know that there are SWORD miniatures in Japan, which we've covered for the last 5 years on the blog. But why does the picture show a small red racing car housed in the top box? And the racing car has moving wheels. None of the SWORD miniatures we know of have any moving parts - they are simple plastic shapes. A booster rocket miniature has never been found [so far] so why feature it on the box?

My second theory is a Sunday morning coffee revelation no less! ha ha! Since the squarish box features a SWORD badge logo, like a Century 21 toy box did, then did the candy box actually contain a SWORD badge? There maybe be writing on the base of the badge illustration but I just can't make it out if there is. I'm thinking it could say Astronaut or Captain depending on which badge was inside. Pure guesswork until much clearer images of this or similar adverts turn up.

What do you think readers?

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