Sunday 23 February 2014


I've had more ugly space toys sent to me. It's struck a chord with readers. It's strange how ugliness should go together with space. I suppose it's more to do with cheapness than space. Crap is always going to be crap! Keep your uglies coming!

"Hi Paul, don't know if this counts as an ugly space toy- looks like a militant toaster! The Space Pacer. Andy B."

It counts Andy. Looks like a Moon Scout with bits randomly stick on. I think it's from Greece. A militant toaster! Yes! ha ha!

and from Wotan, a toy he calls 'Way Fugly'. This Fashion Ship! can only be the product of the Eighties: big hair, padded shoulders and drum machines. This ship has them all! It has listed on Ebay as maybe being for girls. Hmm. 

It does deserve a second look though. There is something here that is sort of appealing. It's shaped a little like a Spacex pleasure cruiser and the coloured lights are straight off the end of an alien in the Fiftie's B- shocker War of the Worlds! 

Overall it reminds me of the time machine in the Sixtie's original from which our hero, as the decades roll by, views the changing fashions in the shop window. Fashion ship! Yes! I like it! What about you readers? Would you buy one?

1 comment:

  1. The Space Pacer on top is one of my campier favourites from Greece, box and all! There's one on eBay at the moment, overpriced as usual
