Sunday 16 February 2014


Yesterday Missus Moonbase and myself visited the University town of Huddersfield in the West Yorkshire Pennines of Northern England. Its a beautiful place set high on the moors and filled with proud neo-classical columned buildings. A sort of Pennine Athens with fish and chip shops. The second hand market is just amazing and I saw some cool vintage toys!

Whilst we were in town we stumbled across an old arcade which had been recently restored, Byram Arcade. It was really gorgeous and they had a fab job on bringing it back to life. The shops mostly specialised in vintage stuff: one was clothes, another furniture, another guitars and many more. After a delicious salsa burger and chips we wandered round the three floors.

A few shops were empty and I did daydream awhile about having a vintage toy shop there! It would fit right into the spirit of the place and fill an obvious gap! I was busy meticulously standing up several dozen Thundercats figures in the window when my Missus broke my reverie and said "look at all those paper birds Woodsy!".

Suspended on nylon threads between the floors were hundreds of folded paper birds. It must have taken hours upon hours to produce and looked stunning. These three photo's taken on my phone don't do it justice at all!

Have you a vintage arcade like this near you readers? Would you like to have a vintage toy shop there?

1 comment:

  1. In Norwich, the art-nouveau inspired Royal Arcade is worth a visit. It has a toy shop, Langleys, which while it does not sell vintage toys, has been there so long it is a "vintage" toy shop!
