Friday 21 February 2014


Hi Woodsy

Angel Interceptors were supposed to be derived from a World Air Force design. Curiously the [Alan] Fennell world had Britain as a Republic after a military dictatorship but just as US units of the World Air Force seemed to still have USAF markings it is reasonable that the British should keep theirs. So here is a BAF/RAF interceptor from the 2070's.

Ralph [reader]

To add to reader Ralph's cool military interceptor, here are three more unusual ones I've seen on the net [is there a collective noun for angels?]. They are various colours but I'm assuming that those on the TV were always white. Or?

Here's New Zealand's Lincoln International's original white version of the Japanese Bandai Angel. I'm unsure if its the same size. Does anyone know?

Next up is this blue Spanish angel attached to its launcher on the impressive Super Pantera toy by Guisval.

Finally, here's an unusual red Angel I saw on the bay [seller: Santa Claus]. It's by Bandai and is a rare ceiling flyer. Alas, its such a rarity I doubt that anyone would want to test it out!

Have you any Angel Interceptors readers?


  1. Nice model. There were some grey Angels in the series, they were mysteronized straight out of the factory. I suppose 'flight' is the collective noun for them.

  2. I have 2 Airfix Angels, one build and one in the box to keep forever. Must have built loads of them when I was a kid. I also used to have the Century 21 (JR21) Angel then too. A great aircraft design.

  3. Oh and don't forget the Joe 90 Mig 242s were converted Angels.

  4. Flight! Of course Kevin! And Yorkie, your'e virtually an Angel mechanic! Wouldn't it be cool to see all the toy Angels together in a group shot. JR21, airfix, Bandai etc. I don't have any but maybe someone does.

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/15/2020 7:47 am

    The proper collective term for a group of angels is a host, not a flight, but not sure if this applies to fighter aircraft, or just the sort that inhabit heaven.

    1. ha ha, Host. I like it Paul. A host of angels. I wonder if they ever said that in the show? NZ seemed to get a few of its own Gerry Anderson toys like the carded Angel. Is Lincoln still going in NZ?
