Saturday, 9 November 2013


We've Star Wars fever again. Disney are recruiting foe the next movie, Episode VII, and anyone can audition. At the first event in Bristol today hundreds have turned out in the rain wth the chance of being the new Hamill, Ford or Fisher. Help us Obi Wan, your'e our only hope!
Over in the US too sounds like Nashville and Chicago are opening thier doors to budding Jedi's as Disney's recruitment roadshow rolls up.
Seems as though you can apply online as well in the States. Now that is one job application form I'd love to see! No Jedi mind-tricks can help there!
I must admit I felt a frisson of excitement at the thought that even I could be in Star Wars. At 52 I'm pretty sure I'm way too old and crinkly for any lead roles - all that dodging Sith double light sabres - but one of the back-room parts might be OK: a cantina band member, a Gamorrean guard, the Rancor Monster or even a coughed-up furball! [I'm old skool, only the original trilogy roles would count!]
So will you be trying your luck for a part in Disney's Star Wars 7 readers? Which one?

1 comment:

  1. I applied to audition for Phantom Menace, with my lived in face and craggy features, I assumed i'd fit in easily at the 'wretched hive of scum and villainy', but the Bearded One had other ideas and the opportunity never arrived. So much for Journal of the Wills. Ah well..
