Tuesday, 26 November 2013


As the NEC Memorabilia event isn't really a vintage toy fair any more I didn't expect to see any Project SWORD or SpaceX toys. And I didn't. There were some great old items around though, especially on Jim Stevenson's stall, which never fails to amaze, including an HG Toys Alien Chase Target Set and a 007 Thunderball Rifle Toy.
There were lots of comics too and I was pleased that my usual supplier of TV21's was standing, along with his trusty record player. Checking my wants list, I found two which I need as part of my SWORD strip collection. My daughter settled the bill, which was an added bonus too, as its an early birthday prezzie. I have about another 30 TV21's to go!
Is any one else trying to collect the Project SWORD strips in TV21?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but I'd be happy if I could just get the Sword Annual.
