Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Kevin D's V Saturns

In response to the post about Saturn V's, I've photographed the few I have (none have a gantry, the launch complex is mine and woefully out of scale!).
SCRATCHBUILD (with a drainpipe!) 1:90 scale
The Dragon one is quite accurate, plastic and was bought stage by stage. It must be about 1:388 scale.
The 3D puzzle is a fairly modern one, can't remember who made it, it is around 1:725 scale
The keyring one is a plastic one marked 'made in china', again I can't remember its source, it is around  1:907 scale

 The Space Voyagers one, comes complete with LM, moonscape and has built in sound effects, it is around 1:141 scale.



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