Tuesday, 5 November 2013


India has sent a rocket to Mars today. Good on 'em! Their critics say its misguided and a waste of precious money, which would have been better spent on the poor and needy.

I disagree. The human race is mired in struggles and troubles, which as history has shown us, will stubbornly remain forever. Despite all this we are somehow able to rise above it all and grasp a grander vision of our place in the Solar System and journey into space. Its a noble thing.

What do you think readers?


  1. I agree. Besides, the money hasn't been spent on Mars, its been spent on Earth, presumably to the benefit of the Indian aerospace industry and thus the Indian economy.

  2. its a bloody great thing to do, especially for a poorer country. Rather than worry about strife on Earth, we should be looking to the stars.

  3. I certainly applaud their efforts! Space exploration is to the benefit of all.

  4. Yup, congrats to them on having a vision and going for it.
    Also for the daydream of seeing John Carter of Mars restaged as a Bollywood musical.
