Thursday, 14 November 2013


Are there any space toys in the shops at all anymore? It seems to me that space travel has vanished from children's play altogether. Would you agree? Is it simply a reflection of a lack of interest in space by the world generally nowadays?


  1. Just leafed through the latest Xmas toy catalog - you may well be right Woodsy, except that Lego Star Wars lives on!

  2. I'm inclined to agree with you. Seems very little interest at gthis point.

  3. I think toys generally are declining. Video game is the new king

  4. Dead or not never mind - we got it right, that' s all that matters.

  5. I suspect kids don't have much interest in space stuff anymore. The Space Age has sadly moved on. They're not going to be bothered about 'boring ' unmanned probes that collect soil samples . Like Bill says most kids are into video games and Zombie films.

  6. These trends wax and wane .As long as there are creative people who can fire up our imaginations,there will be space toys.Perhaps we need a visionary to usher us to the next level.Any takers?

  7. Toys, space toys in partiqular, reflected the times of the day. Imagine living in an era where 'space' was such an unknown entity for people. When it soon became a real prospect for humankind to be able go up there you can only think of all the ways business used that to their advantage. Fast forward now, the appetitie has waned. Until there is a major break through with space colonies on Mars and what have you. Rest assure that anything which is going to be a major development in space technoolgy will be exploited but I dont think it will have the impact as it did back in the 50s-60s era

  8. Virtually dead. You can collect the Star Trek model ships but they're more for collectors. The ever popular action figures continue to be churned out but aren't my cup of tea. There'll be loads of Star Wars figures in a couple of years again for the new films and animated series. Vehicle toy wise I think the new Thunderbirds in 2015 will produce new toys of the International rescue machines, but that's about all. :C

  9. Sadly, the age of wonder is pretty much cold and dead, I place that crime on the head of video games, console and internet-based alike.

    That said, America having no 'active' aggressive space program as it did under President Kennedy in the 1960s, there's no incentive for toy manufactures to produce play-worthy facsimiles.

    More-so the film industry drives what items appear on toy-shelves in department and big-box stores than any other pop culture influence.

    Our children and grandchildren are not us, they have not the memories of man taking his first journeys into space if not conquering our world in aircraft that fly higher and faster than the ones previously seen.

    We lived in the New Frontier and held our breath with each new discovery and triumph, seems the current generation has abandoned such for the inner-space domains of the Internet and CGI-based simulations of life.

    How sad.
