Saturday, 26 October 2013


Zero X grabs the attention. Simple. Thunderbirds Are Go and Project SWORD. What's not to like? When I was re-united with the Century 21 toy version circa 1996, which I purchased from TV Toy Zone Mail Order for £60, it was missing its heat shield as explained by the seller. Resigned to never having one, I was amazed to find this one in a bag of junk I bought off a Scalextric dealer about a year later! Glenn Field Result!

So how best to display a heat shield? Well, you could always try to get hold of this Ajamodels Mobile Gantry model kit, which, judging by how little their is on the net about it I would say its discontinued. I've never seen one so I don't know the scale. The crenellated base reminds me of the Glico Tracy Island base. Anyone got this gantry?
Some very fortunate Anderfans are lucky enough to own actual parts of the real models used in the filming of Thunderbirds Are Go. The image below is of the remaining bits of Zero-X undercarriage, which is understood to be the last of the original once it had been blown up for the end of the Thunderbirds are Go movie. Jim Lewis informed me that it had been bought at auction some time ago.
Picture: Steve Zodiac
And remember this original but derelict Zero-X MEV prop that was bought on Ebay last year for £20,000?
Well, it's been immaculately restored to its former glory! Kevin D kindly forwarded me a link to the new owner's, The Prop Gallery's website detailing the amazing restoration by none than Mastermodels, who worked on the original Zero X in the movie! Now that's what I call a good ending!

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