Saturday, 19 October 2013


Back in the baby boom years of the Sixties our house was like a war zone! I had my Johnny Seven to blast seven bells out of my two big Brothers. But one day they came back firing - with a toy pistol called a Sekiden, which hailed from Japan I think.
It was a ballistics nightmare! Two sekidens shooting small silver balls and aimed straight at me behind the sofa! Boy did they hurt! The sound of the Sekiden was one of those iconic noises of my childhood, like Crossfire and Captain Lazer's backpack. Like it's strange brand name too, a true classic!
The balls were some form of compressed green stuff and came in neat little boxes. My brothers loved their Sekidens and I had to surrender to the brand's sheer ferocity many many times! Happy days! Did you have a Sekiden?


  1. I went through dozens of Sekiden guns as a nipper. Rather than use the proper Sekiden balls I used Diana dried peas which were about the same size and much cheaper. The only problem was that the odd larger one would jam up the spring .

  2. He he. Happy days ! I wish I knew where mine ended up. In the rubbish probably, if my parents had anything to do with it, LOL

    1. Its gone to Sekiden heaven! ha ha

    2. 5SpeedChopper10/31/2018 5:05 am

      I remember the instructions said that it was safe and the pellets couldn't pass through a sheet of paper. One day I shot an American kid who lived in our block of flats. He told his mum and she was livid, said I shouldn't shoot people with BB guns!

    3. Those pellets hurt 5speed! I should know, my big brothers shot me regularly especially on my hands which were always exposed! Sekiden battles, the stuff of legend! Not sure what the pellets were made of. It looked like compressed powder of some sort.

  3. Weak point was that the spring used to snap from metal fatigue after a while.
