Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Continuing my look at some of Bandai’s die cast Terrahawk toys, here is the series' namesake, The Terrahawk.

Looking every inch like a bird of prey The Terrahawk is a flying command centre situated on top of the Battlehawk. When the going gets tough it detaches from Battlehawk and flies to a suitable vantage point to oversee the action.

This is ‘Tiger’ Ninestein’s personal ship and when he’s not thwarting Zelda and her cohorts, he likes nothing better than to play his video game in the cockpit.

The Terrahawk’s wings fold back when it’s about to land on its bird legs landing gear.

The wing tips fold  down when its attached to the Battlehawk.

The Bandai toy has missile launchers set  on the top of the wing fuselage.

There’s the usual specification sheet.

 Like Battlehawk and  Treehawk, the Terrahawk  toy comes with an additional set of peel off decals.

I must admit I can’t decide whether or not I like the novelty bird like design of the Terrahawk.  It looks like the kind of craft that turns up in a Japanese Anime cartoon. 

I read somewhere that Terrahawks started life as an idea for a Japanese cartoon. Maybe that was the intention all along:  10-10

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