Monday, 19 August 2013

SWORD - A Cast of Thousands

Well here we are with a year of radio presentations under our collective belts. Thanks to Bill Everatt and Radio Celtica, the blog has been able to open up its airlocks to engage its audience in ways we never thought possible when we began blogging, almost five years ago. September 15 will see the blogs fifth anniversary and we have no plans to slacken the pace!

But, like every medium, we don't want the content to become stale or uninteresting. The Swordcast is a vital, interactive element to the blog as well as being a means of entertainment in its own right. The Darkside 'Squaring the Circle' series of radio dramas are set to continue the cycle of space toy themed stories and each month, the three of us will roll out a new Swordcast programme for your delectation.

But the important thing is feedback. Are we doing the right thing ? Is there something you would like to hear on the Cast, or would you, the reader/listener like to be involved ?

If you would like to tell your collecting story live on air, or would like us to cover any of the material we've shown on the blog in greater detail, just let us know. Contrary to how we look on the SWORD bio, we don't bite!

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