Saturday, 17 August 2013


If only we had access to old toy manufacturers we could clear up mysteries there and then. But we don't and Andersonalia continues to bring on head scratching. A while ago I asked whether the Berwick Thunderbirds Uniform included the JR21 Thunderbirds pistol.

Well, there appears to be evidence that it did. Checking the large webpage of the Dutch Lester Demon, there is a photograph of a uniform set containing just such a pistol: . There is also a basic uniform by a company called Eba Stevens just above the Berwick suit! Now that's another new one on me! Be warned, the site takes ages to open because of all the images. Does this put a lid on the Berwick pistol puzzle?
Check out the Lady Penelope Play Suit whilst your'e there, which I assume is Berwick as well.

Speaking of Penelope, I recently spotted this doll online, which at first glance I thought was a variant of the Fairylite Lady Penelope. It is a Bonnie Blue Ribbon Doll made by Perfekta for Marquette to promote the National Blue Ribbon Freezer Food Service [date?]. You can compare it with the Fairylite doll below [Ebay].

Elegance, charm and deadly dolls!


  1. poor girl looks anorexic!

  2. Sorry for the late reply to a 7 month old entry, but I thought I'd share that I actually have the Bonnie promotional doll and she's actually massively outsized over the Fairylite Lady Penelope doll. She stands about 17-18" tall, and her head appears to be a blown-up mold halfway between the Penelope face mold and that of the Penelope-esque Maddie Mod doll by Princess Grace/Mego Corp. The plastic is a similar hollow quality, but she's weird and fun to look at, and I bought her many years ago for the same reason you noticed her, that is her similarity to Lady Penelope. Her proportions are closer to the puppet in the series, and I keep saying I'll do some customization on her to make a more accurate Penelope (or Tin Tin).

    Anyway, hope this helps, and thanks for keeping up the awesome site.

    1. That's fascinating Tyler. I'm glad someone else agrees with me. Please send piccies if you want to and I'll post them on the blog.
