Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Woodsys post brought pleasant memories flooding back in a wave of nostalgia. After my mum died a few years ago, we were clearing the house and among my dads books and other hoards of stuff, were a couple of his long term repair projects. Besides fixing watch straps, rebuilding cigarette lighters and sharpening scissors, he would continually pick up damaged toys and fix them. Alongside a plastic Noddy car, I found an old toy boat. Recognising it, I put it to one side for preservation, as it was a very familiar toy, I didn't pay much attention and brought it home.

I've just fished it out of the attic now and besides the many memories of North Wales beaches, it made me smile for another reason.

It is a clockwork tug called 'Dawn' and is made by Scalex. I recall my dad probably got more enjoyment from it than I, as it didn't have any guns or missiles and was quite an accurate little toy. At about seven inches long and stout plastic, it happily sailed seas, rivers, puddles and baths. Over time, it was dropped, shoved in suitcases and left to rust in a cupboard.

Each time, my dad patiently found it, glued back any broken parts and replaced missing ones. Looking at it today in its coat of dirt, I saw a piece of baling wire he'd added at the back to replace a missing brace. But what made me smile broadly was what he had used to replace the twin anchor winch at the front!
A set of Triang Spacex wheels, probably off my first Space Patrol!


  1. Oh yes, a little treasure.

  2. What, me or the boat? Hello sailor!

  3. Spacex Scalex! Its a natural extension! Beautiful story Bill.
