Monday, 15 July 2013


Continuing with my look at the Mighty Zeroids, here we have Zerak, The Blue Destroyer. 

Originally, Zerak came with his own Control Station complete with exit ramp.  Slightly disappointing when compared to Zobor’s Cosmobile or Zintar’s Lunar Sled, but certainly preferably to the simple box or bubble pack that later versions came with when costs became an issue.

As with the other original Zeroids, Zerak came with  additional hands. The Magnetic Grabber enabled the Zeroid to carry metal objects.

The Action Hand, using the spring loaded arm could throw Laser Bombs (or Satellites,depending on which advertising blurb you read )

My Zerak came as part of a Zeroid Action Set.

Along with the usual additional hands the set came with an automatic reversing ramp but unlike the ramp in the individual plastic  cases it doesn't have the word 'ZEROID' across the front.

 It also came with a Solar Cycle, the Zeroid Attack Vehicle.

Fitting the Zeroid requires applying pressure to the side of it's base and pushing out the rim of the cycle.
Once it's in position the Zeroid is supposed to drive the 'wheel'. It's a bit of a hit and miss affair as the robot's tracks don't always connect with the rim.

But it looks nice.   

As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about the set  is The Missile Defense Pad.

The Zeroid trundles up the ramp and levers set in the pad base release three rockets in sequence.

That’s the theory, although sometimes vibration from the robot’s movement sets them all off at once. 

Not that I'm complaining, it's still great fun.

Here's a short film showing Zerak and The Missile Defense Pad in action.


  1. wow - thats class. Very major matt mason like in its design. Have to say if Zeroids werent so popular, id be collecting them myself now!

  2. Zerak was probably my favorite space toy as a kid.

  3. It's great seeing these toys in action - Thanx Scoop!

  4. Beautiful toys and beautiful post Scoop. It's a real pleasure reading your stuff and watching your short films. Man In A Toolbox rocks! You'll have Justin from Toy Hunter ringing you up! Last night he found a Zem 21 robot. I think he's been reading your posts! ha ha!

  5. Brilliant stuff, Scoop!

    I've never actually seen a Zeroid for real, but that film certainly shows the attraction. Marvellous!

    Cheers -- Paul

  6. Many thanks for the comments, guys. I must admit I'm enjoying revisiting the world of Zeroid after so long. I loved them as a youngster, and the ones I've come across recently seem pretty robust so it's fairly simple to get them working again. This makes them all the more fun to film, rather than just photograph.

  7. Your site is so great for showing me those toys I had no idea existed because we don't have them over here. Keep doing what you do mate.

  8. Thanks Kal, glad you're enjoying our little blog.
