Monday, 22 July 2013


Did you used to get things by mail order as a kid? Sending off postal orders for stuff from the back of comics or catalogues?

I loved to do it. In some way it kept the thrill of Christmas alive throughout the year.  My favourite source of postal goodness was Ellisdons, the jokes and novelties kings. I must have got something off 'em every month for a couple of years.

None of my bits and bobs survived the ravages of adolescence but I did manage to re-acquire the catalogue I had a few years back. Reading it again was such a joy and I so wanted to send off for something again like some fake flies or King Tut!

Did you buy stuff mail order?


  1. Oh yes, postal orders!
    I can remember getting those...always a Friday and I'd be off school. They were so exciting and the wait inbetween sending it off and getting the gift seemed interminable!
    I got my first little telescope that way. It was called a "Moon Getter" and was advertised in one of the the Daily Mail. I think it was £1.99.
    I can still remember coming in from school and praying it would be there...took about three weeks to get delivered!
    Had to send one for my Swiss Army Knife from Bazooka Joe many little cartoon coupons and so much by postal order!
    Great fun back in the day!

  2. Used to send off postal orders for model kits that you couldn't buy in the shops but were advertised in Airfix Magazine and Scale Models etc back in the late 70s and early 80s. Got some great Japanese made model tanks and Roco Minitanks that way. Then it finally happened - my postal order allegedly got lost in the post and I never got my purchases or the money back. I had spent a lot of my pocket money on it - about £15 at the time. Never used postal orders again. :C
