Saturday, 27 July 2013


Latest creation from the Kev Davies shipyards.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of the S.H.A.D.O. Lunar Carrier and module always appealed to me as it represented a TSTO (Two Stage To Orbit) configuration similar to several being considered for implementation as the Space Shuttle Programe at that time. The overal designed seemed to present the vehicle as a single unit, not one designed to carry the Orbiter to a high altitude for insertion to orbit. I did however, find the blunt shaped nose of the Lunar Module to be untenable due to its lack of aerodynamic properties. I felt that a more traditional conical nose would have made more sense. Another point was the Lunar Module landing on the gantry attached to the S.H.A.D.O. Moonbase. This really gave me pause. One malfunction and there would be nothing but a smoking crater where the base had been. Some form of landing should have been created that did not require landing on the base. Whether it was transfer at a lunar orbiting station, though as busy as the moon was presented as being in SPACE 1999 it's likely that would have
    stuck out like a sore thumb and brought on all kinds of questions that a secret organization would have found bothersome. So it would seem that a more 'ANDERSONIAN' method of landing such as the four jet/rocket motors employed by THUNDERBIRD 2 for horizontal landing. If nothing more complicated they could have simply moved the landing gantry out to some area close to the base, which would have been more realistic. Somewhat more in keeping with secrecy, the landing pad could have even had a camouflaged opening that simply slid aside. Thus revealing an underground hanger bay and gantry. Something like the one under the dome at Clavius moonbase that split open into eight segments. This one would not have had to be as large or complicated as the one in 2001 A Space Odyssey, but would have provided a pressurisable hanger bay for crew and cargo transfer via a skyway docking collier, similar to those at modern airports. It would also be similar in appearance to the volcano in the James Bond film "You Only Live Twice". The one shown in the series did not seem to have a transfer mechanism for crew and cargo. They certainly did not enter the base through the engine bell! Finally, I think the base would have had a camouflaged paint scheme, or been built in a totally dark crater, like some of those at the Lunar south pole region where the sun never shines. Again this would have been more in keeping with a secret organization.
