Saturday, 20 July 2013


Well it's not far now until a half century has passed since the moon landing when human history changed forever. Or did it ? I still find it almost impossible to believe there are still people out there who doubt that man actually reached the moon and walked on the surface of our nearest neighbour. When you consider the brave souls who risked all on a make or break mission and the poor men who lost their lives in the development of the Apollo programme, its insulting to their memory to even suggest that it might have somehow been staged.

The space race was a pivotal time for me, it shaped me and made me the man I am today, for good or ill. Had it not been for James Burke and the rest of the Tomorrows World team or Peter Fairey and his regular space slots on the news, I would probably have grown up bereft of imagination and insight, of that drive to look into things or beyond the norm, to see what might be.

Heres to the future, lets hope that I live to see the remergence of an interest in space and a new drive to visit Mars and beyond, or even, just a return to the dusty old moon...,28757,1910599,00.html

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