Sunday, 30 June 2013


How do you catch the Swordcast and Squaring the Circle programmes ? Do you download the mp3 directly or listen via the TuneIn app on a mobile device? Bill Everratt of Celtica reports theres a major bug in the latest upgrade to this app, which prevents the 24kb stream from playing.

Your help and comments would be most appreciated!


  1. I normally listen live via my laptop.

  2. The work MacBook wasn't able to do anything with the streaming media for the Ken Holt interview. I thought I'd downloaded the podcast but apparently not.
    Then my own MacBook at home was able to download the podcast, so I managed to enjoy it in the end.

    Best -- Paul

  3. I tend to do everything via an Android smartphone and use an app to listen. Does anyone else?

  4. Bill, I use the computer, go directly to Celtica's website and choose the appropriate link. So far I haven't noticed anything amiss.

  5. I use the same process as Ed, above.

  6. Gentlemen, thanks for the feedback. Please keep it coming in! I'm very grateful to Bill B for posting this.

    Its intensely frustrating as around sixty thousand of our listeners a month from across the world use the TuneIn radio app in areas where broadband is not available. I just hope TuneIn will get the message and start talking to us. What makes it even more annoying is we don't know if it's something to do with our server or TuneIn themselves.

    If it is our server, we'll get it fixed, but without any information from TuneIn we can't even do that.
