Sunday 5 May 2013

The Day The Telly Stood Still

I'm spending the weekend with my daughter at Moonbase Junior. One of my pastimes is to channel surf on the TV, which has far more channels than mine at Moonbase Central. The Horror and Syfy channels are two I check in on.

Alas, they were both showing rubbish films yesterday. This got me thinking. Why show useless, badly-made modern trash when they could pick from thousands of classic movies, many of which are in the public domain?

OK, a lot of classic Sci-fi and horror is in black and white, films like Dead of Night, War of the Colossal Beast, Night of the Eagle, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, but they are incalculably more interesting and better produced than the abysmal Vaseline-smeared silvery crap churned out in the last decade for the telly. Do you agree?

Why don't they simply have a channel called Classic Monsters: No Crap, Just Classics. One for Sci-Fi too. Proper Sci-Fi: No Guff, Just Proper Stuff.

What would your ideal TV channel look like readers?

1 comment:

  1. What about one just for Hanna Barbera Cartoons?
