Thursday 16 May 2013


As regular readers will know I'm a bit of a knockoff nut. Always on the look out for new and interesting bootlegs of well-known space toys. here's one I spotted on Fleabay earlier in the year, the gloriously fake Thunderbird 1, the Rocket X VLI Control Missile. VLI apparently means variable light intensity control, which makes it similar to the gorgeous light activated Thunderbird 2 knockoff, the Ray Guard X 2 Rocket Ship.
Anyone got either of these or seen any other Thunderbird knockoffs?


  1. I remember having a very strange set of Thunderbirds toys when I was a kid. They all had wheels like a matchbox vehicle and were painted in very odd colors. The one that comes immediately to mind was the Mole which was blue with US Air Force markings.

  2. They could have been Yot or Zee toys maybe RP? Have a look on the web, they sometimes come up.

  3. Just found one of these on eBay for $19 Us free shipping looks almost brand new, very cool toy I'm a bit Thunderbird fan so very excited I have to run down and get me some C batteries and fire this puppy up

    1. Fantastic find! Hope you enjoy it. It'll be the white Thunderbird 1 radio you'll be after next!
