Monday 6 May 2013


During the Swordcast, Woodsy raised the question where did Eric Eden get his inspiration for the vehicles that would eventually become Sword press-out books and Spacex toys. These vehicles, drawn by Eric appeared in the 1966 TV Century 21 Summer Extra Highway and Defence 2066 features.

With this in mind I thought I'd check out Eric's 1965 Lady Penelope comic strip in TV21 to see if  there was anything to give a clue.

Sad to say there were meagre pickings.  The stories didn't really feature much in the way of exotic vehicles apart from this one aircraft which to my mind might possibly have been an early version of the Spacex Nuclear Pulse as seen in Eric's Summer Extra feature.

It would have been nice to have found that missing link but for now we'll all just have to keep on looking.



  1. Its quite 'daresque' with the bright yellow and bubble canopy too.

  2. Hmm... between those things and Franquin's contemporary Zorglubmobile*, I'll have to see what the aironautics industry was dreaming up to inspire those vertical rotor driven things.

    Intriguing -- Paul

    *somebody built a RC model!

  3. sorry - hamfisted typing... That's Zorglumobile without a b and aeronautics with an e...
    -- Paul

  4. Great research Scoop. Your comics collection and your knowledge of them is a real boon. Whilst looking through your Lady Penelope strips maybe have a look for Frank Labgford's Moonbus. I'd love to see the whole strip!
