Thursday 9 May 2013


Another great influence on the world of sci-fi and fantasy left us this week, Ray Harryhausen passed away aged 92. Ray was responsible for the stop motion technique 'dynamation' and brought us so many classics from Earth vs the Flying Saucers, Valley of Gwangi to First Men in the Moon and Clash of the Titans. Will Schwartz over at Secret Space Base pays tribute to the great man im his special podcasts, check it out!
Whats your fabourite Harryhausen epic ?


  1. My favorite is definitely Mysterious Island. The Nautiloid (which you've pictured) is my favorite of his creatures.

  2. Love this pic, which I have never seen before. He will be missed!

  3. Pic is a small lead gaming miniature!

  4. Like Gerry Anderson and Derek Meddings, Ray Harryhausen provided the stop - motion backdrop of my childhood and millions of other kids. He's the reason I'm mad about monsters. Like his dinosaurs and krakens, in many ways Ray made me too! His films like Jason and The Argonauts, Valley of Gwangi, Twenty Million Miles to Earth, Sinbad are in my DNA. Ray made so many classics and he wasn't the director of any them. I miss stop-motion, now relegated to the comedy of Wallace and Gromit. It stretches all the way back to the beginning of fantastic cinema with King Kong and Willis O' Brien, Ray's great mentor. Sleep well Ray, you'll be sorely missed.
