Tuesday, 16 April 2013


The Thunderbird 2 pre- assembled model by Taito.

Out of all the Taito Thunderbird models this is the most disappointing. To my mind Taito simply didn't get the shape quite right.

I think the angle of the nose is just too steep, and the lettering is far too big.  On top of that the engine intake isn't what it should be. 

It comes with separate legs which are inserted into the four V.T.O.L. booster holes. They are a very tight squeeze and if you did manage to get them in all the way, they'd be nigh on impossible to get out.

The removable pod is also very tightly fitted and a struggle to get out. As you can see it does have an opening door. Unfortunately, small Konami pod vehicle toys are just a little out of scale to it.


However, despite it's short comings it does look it's best from underneath with plenty of detail, and like all the Taito Thunderbird models it's not too heavy which doesn't put too much pressure on the wires when showing it in flight.


  1. Beautifully immersive pictures once again, Scoop. Love the weightless, floating quality of the TB2.

    KevinD and yourself should launch a joint venture called Industrial Space Magic!

  2. I believe Kevin used to live in Southport. We could have formed Century 22 studios together. ; D

  3. Ah the worlds of what if? So whod be Sylvia then ? ;-D

  4. Don't think Sylvia would get a look in - we'd both probably be failing miserably trying to be a pair of wanabe Derek Meddings'. ; )

  5. Sounds about right.
