Monday 22 April 2013


Just taken the dog for a walk, wind had whipped the soil off the fields inti lovely sculpted dunes next to the path, each about a foot high. Luckily, I was carrying a Konami U59 Explosives Truck in my pocket! So I whipped out my phone for a little shoot!


  1. Super stuff, It always pays to seize the moment - I gotta get me one of those Konami trucks too!

  2. Id love to get most of the series, especially the UFO Lunar Module and carrier. Beautiful toys

  3. Great stuff Scoop. I'd love to carry around a toy or model or two around work but I could get in trouble once the camera comes out!

  4. Talk about Carpe Diem! I love the fact that you carry round Joe 90 trucks in your pockets. Its a giant step forward for Andergeeks! Lovely shots by the way, especially the black and white one! How did you keep the dog out of the shots?

  5. Truthfully, i went specifically to do it! Dog was an excuse. Took about 10 shots, 7 of which had Attack of the 50 foot Labradour on them!
