Sunday, 14 April 2013

CHOP, CHOP - Helicopter P3

The Kev Davies Spacex factory presents the latest in his supersize vehicles, the Helicopter P3!


  1. Oooh... another -lovely- piece of work.
    And most convincing!

    Best -- Paul

  2. Very nice stuff, Kevin.

  3. Thanks folks, 7 down, 8 to go!

  4. I had that little purple number as a kid, just the fuselage (no struts/wheels, blades, bubble..). Never knew where it was from.

    Used it with my HO train diarama with my Corgi Batman vehicles as the BAT-JET or something.. Stuck a big yellow bat on each side.

  5. sounds great David. You don't happen to still have your bat copter do you? It'd be great to see a piccy!

  6. What's next on the work bench Kev? Or is it a secret?

  7. Loads on my workbench, I'm still restoring an original Cybergun and making a replica of it. I'm going to make a Zombite fighter from Thunderbirds at some point. There are one or two spacecraft I'm tempted to have a go at. As for Spacex, I never know which one I'm going to do next, I suddenly get the urge and start one!

  8. Is that roter from an Aurora Sky-crane by any chance? And if it is; would this mean you might have a 75mm howitzer kicking around unloved???

    Hugh - in hope!

  9. Replies
    1. Sorry, it was from an airfix 1/72 Sea King.

  10. As Muttley would have opined...Fassa-rassa-fassa...Heaih, heaih, heaih!

    Cheers - H

  11. As always, that is some really awesome work Kevin!
