Ive often admitted to breaking up classic toys in order to make or decorate a home made creation. This was probably at its height round about 1978, when I was at college, in the grip of Star Wars and space fever again and the possibility of ever finding any more Spacex or Moon Exploring toys seemed an impossible dream. I was also a massive fan of 2000Ad comic and when its shortlived sister comic Starlord ran a few weeks if full page colour shots of Martin Bowers sci-fi models, I was in hog heaven. They depicted various ground vehicles in space war dioramas and I was so impressed by the weathered, war torn look, that I decided to have a go myself. My modelling skills were never great, but not having to worry about painting straight lines or neat detail was a great help. I raided the model and toy box and threw together a few models using a pencil case, some plastic odds and ends and a few Minitank chassis. The results were then used in my college photography classes as these few overexposed examples show. I was quite pleased with my Sword inspired Hovertank and the large Slug transporter had a number of working features. Note the Mobile HQ radar dish on the top, not to mention all the other cannibalised bits stuck to them... Ah the folly of youth.
Really beautiful and atmospheric pictures Bill. The monochrome justs adds to their attraction. Like Harryhausen or Meddings props from a more golden age. I love the two vehicles, the large one is like a Sand People Carrier but better! And the Hovertank is class it really is. I take it that neither of them survived the cut and thrust of adulthood?
ReplyDeleteThey were recycled themselves in turn, theres possibly the odd bit of rust colour plastic in the bit box, but apart from one of the saucers, i think they all broke up. Ive still got the Martin Bower comics though...
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing what can be created by a little bit of kit bashing - look at most of the models in Space 1999. And, of course there was a lot of kits altered in the early puppet shows that came out looking great - the Marineville airforce are a good example.
ReplyDeleteThey look great, very nicely shot too.
ReplyDeleteI like the little hover-tank...that's half a mobelwagen quad-20mm on its side isn't it? inspired!
Yep - theres bits of a Hasegawa rail mounted german howitzer, some ack ack guns and a few airplane parts!