Wednesday, 24 April 2013


While I was tidying the attic out recently, I spotted a copy of the 1970 Tell Me Why annual, with a lovely Ron Embleton cover. Its one thats been around since I was a kid and part of my dads vain attempt to wean me off space stuff into more general knowledge. Naturally, it didn't work and the book joined the Look & Learn annuals in obselescence. Fanning through it the other day, I was amazed to find an illustration of the Astronomical Telescope Satellite, which appeared in the Spacex II range about the same time.
Probably the  weakest of all the Spacex toys, both in terms of design and construction; the actual toy was about 5" long and essentially a childs telescope with a couple of accessories attached. The solar panels were especially flimsy and after being played with once or twice, tended to snap in two. When I got the toy back around 1971, I recognised it straight away and it was clearly because i'd already seen it in the annual!

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