Tuesday, 30 April 2013


I've never seen New Captain Scarlet. Of late Scoop has piqued my interest though and I quite like the look of the vehicles especially the helicopter above. I don't know much about it but the huge bubble window does remind me of the cool bubble ship in Tom Cruise's current sci-fi blockbuster Oblivion below. Does anyone own the New Captain Scarlet toy helicopter? What's it like as a toy?


Back when I was a wee anklebiter in the family home in Preston, it would have been Christmas 1967 and 1968 when I got my Project SWORD toys. Santa delivered the the SWORD Annual in 1968 too. SpaceX toys came along Christmas 1970. Or was it 1969? Alas, I don't have any family photo's of Christmasses back then so I can't check what else I got at the same time.
Just looking at the dates again it does seem odd that I got my SWORD toys a whole 2 years before my SpaceX. It's a long time to wait, from being 8 years old to the grand old age of 10! Did the space craze last much beyond 1970?
When did you get your SWORD or SpaceX toys as a kid in your neck of the woods? Did you get Century 21 SWORD toys, Tarheel SWORD toys, Tri-ang SpaceX, Multiple Golden Astronaut Imperial Apollo Moon Exploring or others? Did you get SWORD toys before SpaceX?
Did anyone actually get any of the SWORD or SpaceX knockoffs as a kid by the likes of Hover, Hoover, Roxy etc?

Me [left] circa summer 1967 with toy die-cast cap rifle [make?] and chum, David Hindle.
Butlins Holiday Resort, maybe Minehead.


Top to Bottom:
Probe Force 2
Task Force 2 [US Tarheel version]
Scout 2
Scout 3

Monday, 29 April 2013


Before my visit to Glenn Field last weekend I had planned on going shopping for the following ingredients. But what did I plan to bake and take to celebrate Paul Travers' mevellous aim and victory over the martian mambas? 

  • 8 oz/ 225g self raising flour
  • 1 tsp double action baking powder (US) or 1 tsp baking powder (UK)
  • 4 oz/110g soft butter or margarine
  • 2 oz/ 55g granulated sugar
  • 4 0z/ 110g mixed dried fruit
  • 2 oz/ 55g currants
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 - 3 tbsp milk
  • Demerara sugar for sprinkling
  • Oil for greasing

Corgis Insecurity

Following on from Woodsys earlier post on the Corgi Hi Speed Ambulance, heres a nice little model I found at Bolton. Interestingly, when I visited the Doncaster fair, I found the Bus version and at the Southport fair, Scoop got me the Fire Engine. Woodsy picked up a Bus and the Fire Engine from Bolton too. The Corgi Model site refers to this late series of toys as 'absolute dross' and cited them as a failed attempt to rekindle interest in the toys around 1976. Personally, I like their retro future looks and if you disregard the big sticker on the side, I think this could easily be seen sppeeding past WIN HQ in Joe 90. I just need to find the Ambulance and Wrecker and im done!


As the dust settles on our Moonbase Central blogger’s hugely enjoyable weekend meet up which included a visit to the Reebok Stadium toy fair, I contemplate on my next post.

While at the toy fair I found a large Bandai Cheetah car from the New Captain Scarlet.

When the series first aired in 2005 my interest in it was pure curiosity as, with the odd exception I don’t really find CGI to my taste.  I did like the vehicles though, although I never bothered picking any up.

Seeing this unboxed example on a stall I felt tempted, and as it was pretty cheap I thought I’d take a punt.

It’s quite a clever design, converting to a flying car at the push of a button.

The thing even came with action figures of Captain’s Scarlet and Blue.

Maybe it’s time I re-evaluated my opinion on the New Captain Scarlet.


A Thunderbird 6 post some time ago threw up some great comments from reader Yorkie, which inspired me to do a post dedicated to the Hood's 3E Sub. Yorkie observed that "Ah yes, the radio controlled sub model in the Tracy swimming pool episode 'The Man from MI5' [via You Tube up top] is the same model as used by the Hood in the episode 'Desperate Intruder' [pictured below]".
According to an old Thunderbirds models site the 3E submarine used by the Hood in Desperate Intruder and the toy submarine in the Tracy family's swimming pool appears to have been made of wood [M. Fratassio]. Apparently Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson owns the prop now.
Vivid Imaginations made a tiny toy playset in 2002 which occasionally turns up on Amazon and Ebay. Is the 3E sub popular with Thunderbirds fans do you think?

Sunday, 28 April 2013


As Woodstock landed at Marsbase yesterday, he kindly brought gifts as usual. Amongst them was a large bag of airfix soldiers from a german carboot and in the bag where 3 small Faller train diorama huts. This kind of set the bar for todays jaunt to Bolton to the largest Toy & Model Fair in the north west. It was mainly trains and diecast, but tucked in amongst it all were classic vintage items, Star Wars, Dr Who and even a couple of grubby Matt Mason figures. Noticeably absent were classic Rosenthal, Fairylite or Lincoln Anderson toys. As usual there were the odd Dinky, one or two annuals, a Quercetti Fireball XL5 and a lot of recent Tbird stuff, but no vintage. Where is it all ? We wondered....

3 Go Mad in Bolton

Just got in from an exhausting and exciting day with Scoop and Woodsy at Reebok Stadium im Bolton at a toy fair. Got some interesting and truly unusual stuff between us! Woodsy still in transit...


Part of my SWORD and friends collection. A right old jumble! A bit of spring cleaning is required! What's your display area like? tidy or a mess like mine?


The first day of the 2013 Swordstock went fabulously well. Woodsy, Wotan and Scoop came together to discuss the world of space toys. Scoop then showed off his awesome collection to a suitably stunned Woodsy. A swift tour of the Glenn Field workshop and we took off with a background of smoke and flame in true Thunderbirds fashion, as a fire raged at a tyre dump a half mile away. Next stop, Bolton Toy Fair...

Saturday, 27 April 2013


I came across this colourful cutaway in a 1961 issue of TV Express and thought one or two of you might enjoy it. Back then most kids like me would have imagined space travel would have become common place by 2013 with  maybe passenger ships taking holiday makers to the moon and possibly beyond, giving ordinary people a chance to travel to a distant world. 

Since that picture appeared fifty two years ago we've landed 12 men on the moon, built space stations,  had re-usable shuttles come and go, and still use rockets like that to launch men, women and satellites into space, but apart from that no sign of package holidays to the Moon, and I can't see it happening anytime soon.

Paint Your Wagon

My latest doodle using Paint.
Done whilst bored at work!
What do you think?


Last Saturday I posted about a dime store helicopter I'd picked up. I thought I'd see what it looked like with my other 'proper' copters from Spacex and friends.
From left to right;
Purple Spacex P3 UK, Black P3 knockoff Mexico
Light purple Apollo Moon P3 knockoff  US, Green dime store copter with P3 style rotors US
Dime store LP/Spacex knockoff spacemen
I know I'm missing the Golden Astronaut version but are there any more P3's or variants out there in the crazy world of Spacex?

Friday, 26 April 2013


SUPER SWORDSTOCK 2013 IS GO! Standby for Action...


Years ago I came across a cool site called Secret Fun Spot. Last month I came across the site author's nifty book in a local bookshop! Small world! The book is about those cool gimmicky ads in old comics for stuff like X-Ray Specs and is called Mail Order Mysteries.
Checking out the website again I came across a cool white version of the space car from our friends in  Apollo Moon Exploring. You got all 4 spaceships for $4.97 back then! White's a new one on me! Anyone got one?

Calling International Rescue..

Kev Ds scratchbuilt Thunderbird 1 makes a landing at his new diorama!


This is purely wishful thinking readers. After losing out on this gorgeous mini Glico Zero X I saw on Yahoo Japan last month I decided to at least photoshop the image along with my Japanese Saturn V. The colours just seemed to fit. What do you think?

Thursday, 25 April 2013


I attempted to get a photo of tonight's Pink Moon but sadly the cloudy cover just didn't lift.

But I reckon the pics I took still looked suitably atmospheric, and very reminiscent  of a Hammer Horror or a scene setter from 'Night of the Demon'. 

 "It's coming...it's in the trees!"


Presenting for your viewing pleasure, my custom carded DIY Spacex Nuclear Freighter and Salvage Craft. Well nearly! These are the models I made over the Easter break. I've mounted them on a repro card made in the Sword dream Factory by the skilled hands of WOTAN (he of the limited edition Bug box!). Carded up, they don't look half bad if I say so myself! [posted originally 24/04/2009]


Saw this cool bundle of vintage toys a while back on Yahoo Japan. Has anyone any idea what the white vehicle is? It appears to have three orange buttons on the top. Anyone?


With an imminent visit by Supremo Woodsy  and Mars Commander Wotan on the cards Glenn Field is on high alert.

But for Zero X and it's crew, it's business as usual.

The M.E.V. sits on the runway waiting to attach to the Mothership, in preparation for a test flight to Saturn.

Once connected, systems are checked for any problems which might spoil the flight.

The ship is routinely loaded with essential supplies like curry and beer.

Soon the Zero X is taxiing towards the threshold.

The mighty spacecraft thunders down the runway, beer sploshing about  precariously  in the hold!

Seconds later it successfully lifts off heading skyward. Sadly, that sudden increase in speed  and build up in pressure bursts a seal on a curry container. The control cabin is instantly covered in beef biryani - and, as many of you will know it’s a mighty long way to Saturn!


This is the ambulance from Captain Scarlet episodes Winged Assassin and Treble Cross from 1967. When I saw it I thought it was a souped-up Dinky Stretcha Fetcha die-cast model or more likely the Corgi 700 Motorway Ambulance model pictured here.

Checking the beautiful Corgi Picture Index, the year of manufacture of the 700 series was 1974/5 and far too late to be the basis of the Captain Scarlet ambulance. I then consulted online research done by erstwhile SWORD supercontact and researcher Marc J. Frattasio for the definitive answer:

This unusually aerodynamic looking eight-wheeled ambulance made brief guest appearances in Winged Assassin and Treble Cross. The Captain Scarlet ambulance appears to have been a one-shot, hand-made deal which was primarily fabricated from wood.

Clear acetate plastic sheet was used for the windows. The wheels are the kind of thing used with radio controlled model airplanes. The cab interior was fitted with the bust of a driver made from sculpted and painted plasticine clay. The model was fitted with operating lighting consisting of interior lights and flashing blue lights mounted over the cab. These lights were battery operated model railroad grain of wheat lamps.

The Captain Scarlet ambulance was actually rebuilt from the yellow Crablogger control vehicle seen in the Thunderbirds episode Path of Destruction. Most of the wooden or fiberglass models used in the Supermarionation programs were finished using cellulose automotive paints. Such paints are easy to sand down and repaint. Thus, models finished with cellulose automotive paints were easier for the special effects technicians and modelmakers to repair or rework [ Marc Frattasio 1997].

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


It's always fascinated me what stuff is called in other languages. When I was a birdwatcher I used to know loads of birds' names, for example Chiff Chaff is called Zilp Zalp in German and Tjifttjaf in Dutch, all three being onomatopoeia for the distinctive call of this summer visitor.
The same fascination extends to TV Shows and toys. Here are a few I like:
The Avengers [Steed and Peel, not the comic] - Schirm, Charm und Melone in German, meaning Umbrella, Charm and Bowler.
Follyfoot - Die Follyfoot Farm in German meaning The Follyfoot Farm, which was made not far from my home in West Yorkshire [unsure of the Lightning Tree is still there]. It was partly produced by ZDF of Germany and has its own fan site there.
Belle and Sebastian - Belle et Sebastian in French. I loved this show about a boy and his dog.
Thunderbirds - Donnervogeln in German.
Catweazle - Catweazle in Dutch [fan site here] and German too. His malapropism Electrickery was called Elektrik-Trick in German.
Major Matt Mason - Capitan Meteoro in Mexico.
Callisto - Cripton in Mexico
Sesame Street - Sesame Park from 1996 in Canada.
What were kids' favourite TV shows, including Gerry Anderson's, called in your neck of the woods?


While I was tidying the attic out recently, I spotted a copy of the 1970 Tell Me Why annual, with a lovely Ron Embleton cover. Its one thats been around since I was a kid and part of my dads vain attempt to wean me off space stuff into more general knowledge. Naturally, it didn't work and the book joined the Look & Learn annuals in obselescence. Fanning through it the other day, I was amazed to find an illustration of the Astronomical Telescope Satellite, which appeared in the Spacex II range about the same time.
Probably the  weakest of all the Spacex toys, both in terms of design and construction; the actual toy was about 5" long and essentially a childs telescope with a couple of accessories attached. The solar panels were especially flimsy and after being played with once or twice, tended to snap in two. When I got the toy back around 1971, I recognised it straight away and it was clearly because i'd already seen it in the annual!