Tuesday, 12 March 2013


I  was lucky enough to get this  lovely looking Tarheel Task Force 3 off eBay not so long back .The Eagle-eyed Woodsy pointed it out as I hadn’t seen it.

Two more or less identical examples were up at the same time, so I put in a modest amount  on the cheaper one and was absolutely amazed I got it, expecting a few crazy O.T.T. bids from e-snipers to come in at the last second.  Thankfully they seemed more interested in the other one for some reason.

Although this Tarheel version would have originally been carded in a bubble pack, Woodsy who is the proud owner of an SL version of the TF- 3 kindly offered to do a scan of his SL version  box.

After printing it out and doing a couple of nips and tucks I  must say I’m really chuffed with the end result.

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