Monday, 25 March 2013


Having been around vintage toys for a long time, if you're anything like me, you'll spot potential replacement parts everywhere you go! It's like a sixth sense! One of the best places is a kitchen/ hardware shop - their a treasure trove of spares!

Not that I actually own the toys I'm replacing parts for nor do I buy the 'parts' or do anything with them! I just enjoy spotting them and thinking how they could be used, especially in these difficult economic times. It's a form of scrimping! Anyways, here are three slacker parts I've come up with recently.
So first up is this strange blue plastic thingy from the Multiple Toys Fireball XL5 Space City play set from 1964 [are they fuel tanks?].
And here is a modern DIY replacement, a plastic egg holder for two eggs! Just missing the legs and ridged top but not bad eh?
Next up is this small red plastic Tricorder for Mego's 8 inch line of Star Trek action figures from 1974.
And it's contemporary slacker spare, a resealable plastic tie from a net bag of peanuts for birds! Or in Trekkie speak, a 'klingon'. Ha ha!

Last but not least are these lovely plastic red exhausts on the JR21 Thunderbird 2 from 1966.

And the modern replacement, the red top from a bottle of Toilet Duck! You don't get the little silver grille I'm afraid [there must be a slacker spare for that?] but at least the bottle is a neat Thunderbird 2 green to get you in the mood!

What do you think folks? Have you spotted any DIY toy spares on your travels? Piccies and stories welcomed?

1 comment:

  1. I do that sort of thing all the time, a lot of my props have household items in them. Kitchen shops are good, I've used icing gun nozzles as rocket exhausts before now.
