Thursday, 7 March 2013

Fireball XL5 Puzzle Book

Here on the blog it seems we have quite an age range to cater for. Not just crusty old fogies like me who still enjoy Gerry Anderson’s classic series, but also a much younger generation who are enjoying them for the first time thanks to repeats or maybe through a parent’s interest.

Anyway, as I’m told one or two of these youngsters check out the blog from time to time I thought I’d dig out an old Fireball XL5 puzzle book from 1963 and scan a few pages. I have a very distant memory of enjoying these kind of books while I watched Fireball for the first time in the sixties so I figure a little recycling wouldn’t  be a bad thing.

If any old fogies want to have a go as well they’re more than welcome.  

Time to get out those wax crayons from the paint box and colour in this  picture strip. While you're doing it spot the mistakes.

Have fun!


  1. It may be for the young 'uns but this old fogie still enjoys the simplistic artwork :-)

    I just got an early 1950s Tom Corbett coloring book but I'll need to get a large format scanner to scan the pages.

  2. Hey, I had this when it first came out- I just remember it.
    Is that the whole story you've posted?
